Rise of the Snakes
6.3 2012 • 13 episodios 11 de enero del 2012
Los héroes Ninja Kai, Jay, Zane y Cole luchan contra Lloyd Garmadon, que acaba de liberar a una tribu de serpientes en su intento por conquistar Ninjago.
La calma termina cuando aparece el hijo de Lord Garmadon, que quiere retomar donde lo dejó su padre.
Vuelven al entrenamiento, a la espera de la amenaza de los Hypnobrai, mientras tanto Zane persigue al halcón y se mete en problemas.
Lloyd quiere recuperar el control y libera una segunda tribu, que ataca a la familia de Jay. ¡Los ninjas salen al rescate!
Lloyd despierta a Pythor, la única serpiente aún viva de la tribu Anacondrai.
Lloyd intenta ayudar, pero solo entorpece. Pythor despierta a varios enemigos y desata una guerra entre serpientes.
Pythor quiere despertar a una bestia ancestral que es imposible de matar y podría acabar con Ninjago.
Los cuatro ninjas siguen a un misterioso halcón hasta el bosque y se topan con un taller oculto donde Zane se entera del secreto de su pasado.
Jay y Nya terminan apresuradamente su primera cita en un parque de atracciones para detener a los Serpentine, que buscan una de las cuatro hojas de colmillo.
Los ninjas se hacen pasar por bailarines y participan en un concurso de talentos para quedarse con el trofeo, donde se esconde una de las hojas de colmillo.
Los ninjas sospechan cuando su archienemigo Lord Garmadon decide ayudarlos en la búsqueda de su hijo perdido.
Los ninjas tratan de infiltrarse en un santuario, pero caen en una trampa. La misión de rescate de Lloyd fracasa... solo Lord Garmadon puede salvar la situación.
Los ninjas viajan rápidamente a la ciudad perdida de Ouroboros para detener a Pythor. ¿Podrán ganarle al tiempo?
Los ninjas deben luchar contra el Gran Devorador para evitar el desastre y salvar Ninjago.
Legacy of the Green Ninja
6.8 2012 • 13 episodios 17 de julio del 2012
El Gran Devorador ha sido derrotado, y en Ninjago se disfruta de un tiempo de paz que era muy necesario. Pero el ejército de Serpentines sigue al acecho.
Comienzan los esfuerzos por reconstruir Ninjago, y los cuatro ninjas se dan cuenta de que Lord Garmadon ha fundido sus armas doradas para convertirlas en una superarma.
Garmadon revive por accidente al despiadado capitán Soto y a sus piratas y los ninjas deben evitar que saqueen la ciudad de Ninjago.
Nuestros héroes llegan al internado Darkly y descubren que la invitación es una trampa de Lord Garmadon y sus malvadas réplicas de ninjas.
Los ninjas se enteran de que destruirán el Mojo Dojo de Darreth y se inscriben en la carrera anual NinjaBall para usar el dinero del premio a fin de salvarlo.
Los ninjas evitan que Garmadon utilice su superarma para darle vida a un monstruo fosilizado y se transforman en niños, por lo que deben pedirle ayuda a Lloyd.
Garmadon viaja en el tiempo para cambiar el pasado y eliminar a los ninjas, pero ellos lo siguen para evitar que use las armas doradas.
Los ninjas se enfrentan a un poderoso guerrero samurái de piedra que cobró vida.
Los ninjas intentan escapar del ejército de piedra que ha sido resucitado con el veneno tóxico del Devorador. Garmadon intenta tomar el control del ejército.
Los ninjas, Lloyd, Sensei Wu y Misako viajan a la Isla de la Oscuridad para encontrar un Templo de la Luz que pueda restituir los poderes elementales de los ninjas.
Después de enfrentarse al ejército de piedra, los ninjas llegan al Templo de la Luz, donde concentran sus poderes elementales puros y los dirigen a Lloyd.
Los ninjas intentan devolver el casco de la oscuridad de Garmadon a su pedestal en el Reloj Celestial para así poder evitar la batalla final entre Lloyd y su padre.
Garmadon usa su nueva superarma para convertir a Jamanakai Village en un lugar malvado, perturbar el equilibrio y permitir que el espíritu del Gran Tirano lo posea.
Una gran sombra cae sobre Ninjago cuando la superarma de Garmadon la convierte en un lugar malvado, pero los ninjas descubren que la luz es más poderosa que la oscuridad.
6.9 2014 • 8 episodios 29 de enero del 2014
After a time of peace, the Ninja are called back into action as they learn the Overlord seeks to steal Lloyd's golden power to enable him to escape his digital prison and reign as the great prophesized destructor, “The Golden Master.” To aid his villainous plot, the Overlord created a new technological menace more powerful than any foe the Ninja have ever faced - Nindroids.
La ciudad renace tras la caída del Señor Supremo, y los ninjas enseñan en la academia del senséi Wu, pero la paz no dura mucho tiempo...
Luego de ser perseguidos por los nindroides, los ninjas se escabullen en la ciudad haciéndose pasar por el tren de un circo.
Zane cede la mitad de su poder para salvar a P.I.X.A.L. justo cuando los enemigos atacan de todos los frentes. Mientras, Lloyd y su padre viajan al Laberinto de Hiroshi.
Debajo de la ciudad, los ninjas descubren secretos sobre Serpentine cuando luchan junto a ellos contra los nindroides.
Los ninjas salen a buscar al Gran Tirano Digital. Entretanto, Pythor y Wu lideran un ataque en la torre de Borg.
Pythor y los nindroides liberan al Gran Tirano Digital. Wu y Garmadon se topan con el proyecto ultrasecreto de Pythor.
Después de luchar contra los nindroides en un barco, los ninjas siguen resistiendo mientras se dirigen a una batalla en el corazón de un cometa.
Los nindroides usan las armas doradas para transformar al Gran Tirano en el Maestro Dorado. En las ruinas de Ninjago, los ninjas prepararan su golpe final.
Tournament of Elements
7.2 2015 • 10 episodios 23 de febrero del 2015
After the loss of Zane, the Ninja question whether they are still a team. But when they receive a mysterious invitation to take part in the Tournament of Elements, they get a clue that Zane may be well and alive. And our heroes set out to rescue their friend.
Los ninjas descubren que Zane podría estar vivo y que, si quieren volver a verlo, tendrán que competir en un torneo de elementos.
El equipo descubre la verdad sobre Jade Blades, así como otros secretos del torneo de elementos, mientras que Karlof queda eliminado de la competencia.
Comienza la competencia y Cole pronto debe cruzarse con Jay. Por otra parte, Zane recupera la memoria gracias a P.I.X.A.L.
Los Maestros Elementales que quedan compiten sobre patines, mientras Cole, Karlof y otros eliminados deben trabajar en la fábrica de Chen.
Se revela el plan de Chen y los ninjas forman una alianza con los Maestros Elementales. Mientras tanto, Cole y Zane se escapan de la fábrica.
Lloyd y Garmadon se enteran de la gran batalla entre Chen, los Anacondrai y los Maestros Elementales por el control de Ninjago.
Todo parece estar perdido cuando Chen absorbe el poder de los Maestros Elementales y vence a Lloyd en combate.
Chen y su ejército invaden Ninjago, pero los maestros logran escapar de la fábrica y los siguen de cerca. Garmadon, por su parte, se salva del destierro por muy poco.
El maestro Chen usa un hechizo para convertirse en Anacondrai junto con sus tropas, mientras los ninjas van a la cárcel de Ninjago en busca de un aliado inusual.
Se desata la batalla final entre ninjas y Anacondrai, pero los héroes tendrán que hacer un gran sacrificio si quieren alcanzar la victoria.
6.8 2015 • 10 episodios 29 de junio del 2015
In an epic quest to save Lloyd, the Ninja will travel to uncharted lands, meet new allies and gain powerful weapons, unlock unknown powers, all while battling the supernatural Cursed Spirits in an effort to stop a monstrous deity from cursing all of Ninjago.
Morro posee a Lloyd y lo usa para infiltrarse en la tienda de té. Allí ataca a los demás ninjas, que misteriosamente han perdido sus poderes.
Tras descubrir que el bastón de Wu es la clave para encontrar la tumba del primer maestro del Spinjitzu, los ninjas van a Stiix para recuperar el pergamino de Airjitzu.
Mientras Wu entrena a Nya para usar sus nuevos poderes, los ninjas conspiran para robarle los pergaminos de Airjitzu a Ronin, pero antes deberán pasar por Morro.
Los ninjas van al peligroso templo del senséi Yang para aprender Airjitzu, y Nya debe usar sus poderes antes de tiempo para escapar de los fantasmas de Morro.
Con los nuevos poderes de Airjitzu, los ninjas se apresuran a subir la peligrosa montaña donde está la Espada del Santuario, antes de que Morro la encuentre.
Luego de la traición en el Reino de las Nubes, los ninjas luchan contra Morro por la Espada del Santuario y descubren que su objetivo real es otro.
Mientras los ninjas se acercan a la última pista para encontrar la tumba del primer Maestro del Spinjitzu, Ronin roba la Espada del Santuario para dársela a Morro.
Los ninjas viajan a la tumba del primer Maestro del Spinjitzu en busca del poderoso Cristal del Dominio, pero en el camino encuentran muchas trampas, y a Morro...
Mientras los ninjas luchan por evitar que libere a la Suprema, Morro logra convocar un ejército de fantasmas del Reino Maldito con el Cristal del Dominio.
Mientras los ninjas tratan de proteger Stiix, Lloyd se cruza con su padre en el Reino Maldito, y Nya libera su verdadero potencial para poder enfrentar a la Suprema.
7.3 2016 • 10 episodios 9 de junio del 2016
A new evil named Nadakhan the Djinn is released and a new age of piracy begins. It is up to the Ninja to stop him.
Los ninjas pasan de ser héroes famosos a villanos perseguidos cuando alguien se hace pasar por ellos y comete crímenes en toda la ciudad.
Mientras Nadakhan planea robar el Cristal del Dominio, la policía contrata a Ronin para perseguir a los ninjas fugitivos.
Los ninjas terminan injustamente en la cárcel, donde se encuentran con un preso que conoce un raro veneno capaz de detener a Nadakhan y solo existe en una isla.
Nadakhan convence a Jay de pedir un deseo para ganarse a Nya, Flintlocke destruye por accidente el Cristal del Dominio, y Cole roba el mapa de Soto.
Mientras la ciudad desaparece a un ritmo alarmante, los ninjas viajan a la isla en busca del preciado veneno con Nadakhan pisándole los talones.
Abandonados en la isla, Lloyd, Cole y Nya intentan escapar en una balsa, mientras los tripulantes de Nadakhan, solo para divertirse, obligan a Jay a luchar contra ellos.
Después de aprender a hablar como piratas, los ninjas se infiltran en el barco de Nadakhan. El objetivo: usar el veneno y rescatar a Jay.
Flintlocke lidera un motín con la idea de que Nadakhan abandonará a su tripulación una vez que tenga el poder de los deseos infinitos, pero este lo vence y captura a Nya.
Mientras Nya ensaya a la fuerza para su casamiento con Nadakhan, Jay recluta un nuevo equipo para rescatar a sus amigos.
Nadakhan se casa con Nya y consigue el poder de los deseos infinitos, pero Flintlocke y Dogshank se unen a los ninjas para enfrentarse con él en una batalla definitiva.
Hands of Time
6.9 2017 • 10 episodios 15 de mayo del 2017
In season seven, Kai and Nya finally learn the truth about their long lost parents, Master-in-Training Lloyd tries to fill in for a weakened Wu and an all-new Samurai X returns.
El maestro Wu intenta erróneamente ir sin ayuda a terminar una batalla que comenzó hace décadas contra Acronix, uno de los gemelos Manecillas del Tiempo.
Con Wu fuera de combate y sufriendo de los efectos del Time Punch, los Ninja descubren un nuevo enemigo en medio de ellos.
La investigación de un casco guerrero Vermillion de Kai le lleva a descubrir que Krux está vivo y en Ninjago, y que vive bajo una identidad falsa.
Entre una epidemia de misteriosos robos de metal de los guerreros Vermillion, Lloyd se da cuenta de que reforzar y asumir el control del maestro Wu no es una tarea fácil.
Mientras que la lucha Ninja para salvar el parque MegaMonstruoso, Jay lucha por defender la casa de su familia de los Guerreros Vermillion.
Los Ninja celebran su escape del ejército de Vermillion y su recuperación de la espada del tiempo esmeralda...
Secretos surgen mientras Nya se enfrenta al impostor Samurai X y Kai descubre la verdad sobre sus padres mientras empieza la búsqueda de Ninja por el Maestro Wu.
Kai busca a su padre por ayudar a las Manecillas del Tiempo mientras aprende sobre el pasado de sus padres. Por otra parte: los Ninja tratan de liberar a Wu.
Kai y Nya son chantajeados por las Manecillas del Tiempo para recuperar la última espada del Tiempo.
Kai y Nya hacen un intento desesperado de salvar al Maestro Wu viajando en un mech serpiente y regresando atrás en el tiempo.
Sons of Garmadon
7.5 2018 • 10 episodios 16 de abril del 2018
The ninjas race to save Lloyd, as a more powerful-than-ever Lord Garmadon creates an enormous Colossi to help him rule Ninjago and defeat the ninja.
Cuando un sindicato criminal desconocido amenaza a la familia real, los ninjas son llamados de nuevo a la acción y deben proteger a la princesa real y un artefacto legendario que puede tener poderes sobrenaturales.
A raíz de un ataque despiadado contra el palacio, los Hijos de Garmadon roban la segunda máscara de Oni, y el ninja invita a la princesa real, Harumi, a su improvisada familia.
Mientras la Princesa Harumi se adapta a la vida con el Ninja, Lloyd y Jay buscan respuestas sobre las Máscaras Oni, y Cole y Zane intentan infiltrarse en los Hijos de Garmadon.
Para unirse a los Hijos de Garmadon, Zane (también conocido como Snake Jaguar) participa en una carrera mortal de iniciación de motocicletas.
Zane and Mr. E meet in an epic face-off as the ninjas' ship embarks on a rocky journey to find the third Oni mask.
Separated by the crash, the ninjas try to get to the Oni mask before the Sons of Garmadon.
A flashback reveals the truth about the Quiet One's identity as Harumi and Lloyd venture deeper into the Oni Temple seeking the third mask.
Lloyd awakens a prisoner of the Quiet One, who plans to resurrect Lord Garmadon with another hostage.
The ninjas celebrate at Laughy's until they learn Garmadon has broken Harumi out of prison.
Mystake heals Lloyd's injuries but his survival comes with a heavy price. Garmadon conjures up a destructive giant to display his powers.
7.3 2018 • 10 episodios 3 de septiembre del 2018
While Lloyd and Nya resist Emperor Garmadon's oppressive hold on Ninjago City, Young Wu and the rest of the Ninja are stranded in a barbaric realm where fierce dragons are being hunted down by Iron Baron and his gang of Dragon Hunters. Lloyd must endure in Ninjago City, the others need to find the fabled Dragon Armor if they ever hope to get back home to stop Emperor Garmadon once and for all.
Lloyd hides from the occupying forces of Emperor Garmadon and Harumi, while Young Wu and the ninjas are marooned in the Realm of Oni and Dragon.
Iron Baron banishes Jay, Kai and Zane to doom in an arena against a dragon. In Ninjago, Lloyd assembles a rebel group of Elemental Fighters.
The ninjas are caged and used as bait to lure a dragon. Lloyd and his resistance fighters hijack a TV station to broadcast a message of hope.
The enslaved ninjas gather materials so that Cole and Wu can build a dragon decoy. The Sons of Garmadon strike back at Lloyd's rebels.
Lloyd and some of the resistance fighters are on the brink of capture in Nya's vehicle. In the Realm of Oni and Dragon, the ninjas and Wu go on the run.
Mystake reveals her true nature and past, while Wu leads the search for Firstbourne.
Wu's identity is revealed while Lloyd and his comrades come up with a new plan involving Harumi.
When Wu is captured and electro-shocked, his memories suddenly return. Lloyd uses stolen powers to try and seize the Oni Titan.
An angry Garmadon looks to regain control while Wu and Iron Baron land in Firstbourne's nest.
The ninjas return to Ninjago and head to battle just as a terrible attack is underway while Master Wu and Lloyd confront Lord Garmadon.
March of the Oni
7.3 2019 • 4 episodios 19 de enero del 2019
The Oni are coming … As demonic darkness descends upon the realm of Ninjago, the time has come for our heroes to rise again and protect the land that all Masters of Spinjitzu call home. It is a world filled with a rich history and legacy, and it is from here where our ninja heroes must unlock an even greater power to defeat the darkness that is marching towards them. What could these shapeshifting dark forces be, why do they want to destroy Ninjago, and how can they be defeated?
Faith arrives with news of an invasion, forcing Lloyd to consider making Lord Garmadon an ally.
Despite their grave doubts, the ninjas free Lord Garmadon from Kryptarium Prison so that he and Lloyd can enter the cloud of darkness.
The team pays a terrible price when they attempt to rescue Lloyd and Lord Garmadon, who discover the Oni's weakness while battling the Omega.
The ninjas race back to the Monastery of Spinjitzu, where they must combine their powers and make their last stand against the Oni.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu
6.7 2019 • 30 episodios 22 de junio del 2019
Basking in the glory of their recent victory, the Ninja embark on a new adventure to explore a mysterious pyramid – just for a little light rest and recovery, of course. But has success lulled our heroes into a false sense of security? When the Ninja accidentally set an ancient threat loose, nothing could ever have prepared them for the mayhem that follows.
In the wake of a previous victory, the ninjas go soft — leaving Master Wu to remind them of who they truly are.
The ninjas search for a quest to reignite their Spinjitzu training; unfortunately, Ninjago City is enjoying a period of rare tranquility.
The ninjas take a road trip through the Desert of Doom, a region supposedly inhabited by a giant scarab beetle.
To repair the Land-Bounty, the ninjas must retrieve a critical engine component that has been swallowed by a giant scarab beetle.
The ninjas team up with a reluctant Clutch Powers to enter a mysterious pyramid, where they inadvertently unleash an ancient evil.
Lil' Nelson takes a job as a paper carrier, which is difficult in a city overrun by scorching Pyro Vipers and a Serpentine sorceress.
The ninjas find themselves trapped in a pyramid and must escape encroaching lava to warn Ninjago City of a new Serpentine invasion.
Gayle Gossip and her cameraperson deliver a live newscast of the Serpentine attack on Ninjago City
The ninjas rush to the Ninjago Museum of History to recover a dangerous scroll before it falls into the hands of the Serpentine Sorceress, Aspheera.
While Aspheera pursues revenge on the "Treacherous Deceiver" who betrayed her, the ninjas make a startling discovery.
Master Wu recounts a tale from his childhood, when he and Young Garmadon met Aspheera and taught her the secrets of Spinjitzu
Having learned the identity of the "Treacherous Deceiver," the ninjas find themselves under siege at the Monastery.
Having learned the identity of the "Treacherous One," the ninjas find themselves under siege at the Monastery.
Aspheera arrives at the monastery of Spinjitzu and confronts Master Wu, forcing one of the ninjas to make a heroic sacrifice.
Master Wu prepares to go on a rescue mission, but Lloyd and the other ninjas take matters into their own hands.
The ninjas arrive in the Never-Realm, where they quickly find themselves overwhelmed; luckily, a tribe of ice fishers help them out.
The Ice Emperor learns of the ninjas' arrival and sends his Blizzard Samurai warriors to destroy them and the villagers who sheltered them.
Lloyd runs afoul of the Ice Emperor's Blizzard Samurai but is rescued by a strange wolf. Soon, they develop an unlikely friendship.
Back in Ninjago City, three criminals learn that the ninjas are away and break out of Kryptarium Prison after lights out.
Lloyd and his wolf companion find a cave with the mech inside and a message from Zane that provides a clue to his fate.
Cole embarks on a dangerous quest to the top of a nearby mountain in hopes of finding the legendary Traveler's Tree.
Cole awakens inside an icy cavern belonging to a legendary beast and attempts to escape, only to discover a surprising truth.
The Ice Emperor summons an enormous ice behemoth to attack Lloyd and his wolf friend — and unexpectedly reveals a secret.
Akita tells the story of the Choosing and how she and her twin brother, Kataru, went into the wilds to discover their animal forms.
The Ice Emperor's terrible Ice Dragon strikes again and lays waste to the Ice Fisher's village, forcing the ninjas to go after Lloyd.
Back in Ninjago City, Wu and Pixal attempt to locate the Never-Realm and accidentally unleash a dreaded creature from the Departed Realm.
At a castle in the mountains, Vex witnesses Zane's arrival in the Never-Realm and seizes the opportunity to gain control of him.
Having discovered the terrible truth of Zane's fate, Lloyd finds himself imprisoned and alone in the clutches of the Ice Emperor.
Nya, Jay, Cole and Kai face off against the Ice Emperor's dreaded dragon, while Lloyd and his newfound allies confront the Ice Emperor himself.
In the dramatic conclusion of the Never-Realm saga, the power of friendship battles the corrupting pull of the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu.
Prime Empire
7.2 2020 • 16 episodios 19 de julio del 2020
In the hyped video game, Prime Empire, you can be whoever you want to be. Jay, ever the avid gamer, can’t wait to start playing. But when hundreds of players, and Jay, suddenly start vanishing without a trace, the ninja need to get inside the game and find out who is playing Unagami. Now they must compete in adventures and difficult game worlds, win all three Key-tanas – and only then can they face the evil Unagami. Can they reach the final level and beat the game?
While investigating a heist, the ninjas discover a legendary unreleased arcade game that suddenly takes control of all the other games in Ninjago.
When the ninjas connect Jay's disappearance to Prime Empire, they head to Dyer Island to seek answers from the game's designer, the elusive Milton Dyer.
Cyrus Borg discovers a shocking secret about Prime Empire, while the ninja battle an escaped Mechanic in their attempt to reach Level Thirteen.
Now inside the Prime Empire game, the ninjas find themselves in unfamiliar territory as they try to find Jay and evade an army of Red Visors.
Inside one of the game zones, a samurai named Okino faces a crisis of faith when he repeatedly fails to lead a series of masters to victory.
In order to stop Unagami, the ninjas must obtain three Key-tanas, the first of which is hidden in one of Prime Empire's most dangerous game environments.
While trying to cheer Okino up, the ninjas arrive at the Cliffs of Hysteria and must figure out how to climb them.
Still in the game zone Terra Karana, the samurai guide Okino has to chose between helping the ninjas or obeying the orders of his master, Unagami.
The ninjas learn that the only way to acquire the second Key-tana is by winning a race in Terra Technica — and must find racing cars in unexpected ways.
As the ninjas prepare for the brutal Speedway Five-Billion race, Lloyd meets a race driver named Seven — who may hold the key to victory.
Unagami's soldiers, the Red Visors, finally discover the secret location of Scott's garage — where they stage an attack against the ninjas.
The ninjas barely have time to mourn the loss of their fallen friends before being thrust into the chaos of Terra Domina.
Back in Ninjago City, Zane and Pixal hit the mean streets to track down Milton Dyer, only to discover that things are not what they seem.
Zane, kidnapped by the Mechanic, faces Unagami while Pixal questions Milton Dyer for information on how to shut down Prime Empire.
Jay must stand alone against Unagami in the end-game. But Unagami has a bigger battle in facing the truth about his own identity.
When Unagami breaks into the real world and terrorizes Ninjago, Jay, Zane and Pixal attempt to prevent disaster by reuniting him with his creator.
Master of the Mountain
7.3 2020 • 16 episodios 6 de julio del 2020
The ninja are invited to the beautiful Shintaro Kingdom to celebrate the young Princess Vania’s birthday. At first glance, the Ivory City looks like a pristine place, but the ninja soon uncover a dark, obscure, long-forgotten underworld: The Dungeons of Shintaro. Once inside, they must fight their way to freedom through a maze of tunnels paved with dangers and strange creatures ruled by the merciless Skull Sorcerer. The ninja must choose their path wisely…
The ninjas travel to attend the birthday party of Princess Vania, in the distant Kingdom of Shintaro, and bring along Master Wu.
The ninjas are welcomed to Shintaro, where Cole and Princess Vania investigate a mysterious visitor and explore a secret underground mine.
The ninjas attempt to rescue Cole, but the bickering of his fellow prisoners alerts the Skull Sorcerer, and soon the ninjas are prisoners too.
In order to escape the Skull Sorcerer's chain gang, the ninja must convince the Munce and Geckles to put aside their distrust and work together.
Separated from the others, Nya, Jay and Lloyd follow a Munce named Murt deep into the mountains, where they meet the Munce Queen.
Kai and Zane discover a party of Geckles, who suspect them of working with the Skull Sorcerer and bring them to their leader, Chancellor Gulch.
Cole must trust his instincts and make the right choices to find his way to the surface and alert King Vangelis of the dangerous Skull Sorcerer.
Princess Vania tries to catch the falling Master Wu and Cole. But with too much weight on her wings, they find themselves plunging into the mountain.
Having survived their fall into the mountain, Cole, Wu and Princess Vania befriend a motley group of survivors called the Lowly.
Cole leads the Lowly, Princess Vania and Master Wu in a series of fruitless efforts to find a way out of the inescapable Rock-Bottom.
Nya and Kai attempt to bring the Munce and Geckles together in an effort to defeat their mutual enemy, the Skull Sorcerer.
Pursued by a magma monster, Cole, Princess Vania, Wu & the Lowly arrive at a mysterious temple deep in Shintaro Mountain.
The ninjas, the Munce and the Geckles take refuge in the Geckle Strong-Cave after they're all forced to flee by the Grief-Bringer's arrival.
Cole, the Lowly, Princess Vania and Wu learn that the stone-mech is powered by Elemental Earth energy and use it to blast their way out of the mountain.
Cole and the Upply arrive at the Skull Sorcerer's Keep and find the ninjas locked into cages and the Geckles and Munce back at work in the chain gang.
As Cole and the Skull Sorcerer face off, the Geckles and Munce storm the Keep. Plundar frees the ninjas from their cages so they can join the battle.
The Island
6.5 2021 • 4 episodios 21 de mayo del 2021
The ninja embark on a rescue mission to a mysterious and uncharted island.
The ninjas launch a rescue mission after learning that Master Wu, Misako, and Clutch Powers have gone missing on an expedition to an uncharted island.
The ninjas search the island, where they find a friendly dragon and power-absorbing stone statues ready to attack!
The leader of the Keepers orders Nya, Kai, Zane, and Cole into a prison. But Jay is brought to a luxurious hut with amazing food!
The ninjas try to save their friend after breaking free of their bonds. Jay finds himself in a cavern of treasure, where the real villain is revealed.
7.1 2021 • 16 episodios 4 de abril del 2021
When Nya's powers are disrupted, the Ninja set off in search of answers and find themselves at the bottom of endless oceans where they discover that her powers are linked to an ancient mythical creature.
The ninjas ambush a new villain named Miss Demeanor. Nya creates a water cyclone to stop her but loses control of it, threatening a nearby village.
Maya attempts to take charge of Nya's life to solve her problems. Zane and Pixal respond to a distress call at sea.
Nya, Jay, Zane, Pixal and Lloyd board a new submarine, the Hydro Bounty, and set off to find the source of the energy signal disrupting Nya's powers.
Nya and Maya use underwater suits to travel to an ancient temple after they realize its power source is the only way to get the Hydro Bounty running.
Nya and Maya attempt to get out of a tough predicament. Meanwhile, Jay risks his life while trying to restore power to the Hydro Bounty.
After Nya and Maya's rescue, the ninjas are escorted to Merlopia to face King Trimaar. However, a betrayal turns the ninjas into fugitives.
The ninjas survive the palace flooding — but are pursued by ripper sharks. Benthomaar comes to help and leads them to the hangar bay.
A flashback tells the tale of Benthomaar, revealing how King Trimaar finds him as a baby and raises Benthomaar as his own.
The ninjas return to the island of the Keepers and ask their leader to keep an amulet safe in Ninjago City — but they make a surprising discovery.
Kai, Ray, Cole, Wu, and Misako receive Nya's warning and rush to the Explorer's Club. Benthomaar encourages Nya to use her power in a surprising new way.
As Kalmaar and the ninjas wage a battle in Ninjago City, the storm amulet ends up in the possession of a determined paper girl.
Benthomaar tells Nya the tale of Nyad. Meanwhile, Master Wu, Kai, Cole, Ray, and Misako try to keep Kalmaar from taking off with the storm amulet.
The doomsday serpent, Wojira, rises from the sea. In Ninjago City, Glutinous emerges from the water with a dire warning.
The ninjas leap into action after Kalmaar and Wojira arrive in Ninjago City, bringing a tsunami that floods the entire city.
Overpowered by Wojira, the ninjas retreat to the NGTV building to regroup. Nya might make a decision that she may never be able to come back from.
Kalmaar's temper proves too much for Wojira to handle during battle while the ninjas try to help Nya fulfill her destiny.
8.3 2022 • 30 episodios 20 de mayo del 2022
Here they learn a mysterious Crystal King is recruiting a council of evil enemies. To find out the identity of this new enemy, they escape from prison and become fugitives. Who is the Crystal King? Why is he gathering a powerful counsel? Get ready for another action-packed mission with the ninja!
A group calling themselves the "New Ninja" tries to stop a vengestone smuggling mission while the ninjas attempt to deal with Nya's disappearance.
On a ship out at sea, a sailor falls into the water during a perilous storm. To the crew's surprise, he's quickly placed back on board.
The ninjas' investigation into the vengestone smuggling mission leads them to an abandoned subway line — where they run into the New Ninja.
The ninjas visit the mayor with an unusual appeal: to request the release of one of their worst enemies from Kryptarium Prison!
In a strange twist of fate, the ninjas successfully break Aspheera out of prison. But to save Nya, they'll also need to steal back Aspheera's staff.
As they wait in the monastery for the ninjas to return, Aspheera and Master Wu compete in a series of tests of strength and cunning.
After freeing Aspheera to save Nya, the ninjas land up in Kryptarium Prison, where they are surrounded by their old enemies.
Crystal spiders continue to recruit villains to join the council of the mysterious Crystal King. Nya is reminded of her days as Samurai X.
While the ninjas are tasked with prison labor in the desert, Nya and Dareth intercept the bus and help them escape.
After splitting up with the others, Zane, Kai and Dareth make their way through the desert and catch a ride with a girl who ran away from home.
The ninjas reunite at Twitchy's and try to figure out which villains have already joined the Crystal King's council — and who will be next.
The ninjas try to track an undercover Lloyd as a crystal spider leads him under Ninjago City — and straight to the council of the Crystal King.
Harumi tells the story of how she went from the princess of Ninjago to the leader of the council of villains.
Federal Marshal Hounddog McBrag knocks on Master Wu's door. Beneath Ninjago City, the ninjas search for Lloyd — who tries to reason with his captor.
The ninjas are trapped in an old subway car in a collapsed underground tunnel. Master Wu and gang defend the Weapons of Spinjitzu.
As Lloyd awakens to terrible news from Harumi, the ninjas wait underground for Nya and the gang to rescue them. But will help arrive in time?
The council of villains resurrects a powerful old foe. Lloyd watches in horror — and later, makes a daring escape attempt.
Master Wu and the ninjas plot a heist at the police impound lot to take back the Bounty. In Primeval's Eye, Lloyd and Harumi traverse the jungle.
The Overlord realizes that an attempt to destroy the ninjas could unleash their powers and thinks of a new plan. Lloyd and Master Wu chase a lead.
At the home of Vinny of NGTV News, Lloyd and Master Wu discover a most unexpected houseguest and listen to his curious tale.
As the ninjas battle the seemingly invincible Vengestone army, Master Wu and Lloyd outline a possible path to victory.
Pixal makes some modifications to the ninjas' vehicles, and they head out into battle. But the Overlord has been holding back.
As the battle against the Crystal King rages on, Nya is trapped beneath the rubble. The Paperkids spring into action to defend Ninjago City.
Lloyd saves Hounddog McBrag, Master Wu learns of an ancient prophecy and Pixal and a damaged Zane run into convicts who escaped from Kryptarium Prison.
Skylor helps Cole and Kai out of a tough spot. After running into Jake at the arcade, they all follow Master Wu's clues to the Paperkids hideout.
Kai attempts to define his relationship with Skylor... but his timing might be off. Dr. Borg tells Pixal that Zane is in a coma.
The ninjas split up to try and send distress signals to their allies. Lloyd wonders if Garmadon is capable of "complassion" after all.
Master Wu explains the Dragon form — but the ninjas don't have much time to figure it out after the Overlord learns their whereabouts.
Lloyd and Garmadon meet the Overlord in an epic showdown. The ninjas get help from their allies to defeat the Vengestone army — but it may be too late.
Thanks to the sacrifices made by his loved ones and fellow ninjas, Lloyd taps into a deep, ancient power to vanquish the Overlord.